Music Schedule 23-24

KB - F

KM - T

1H - W

1W - F

2M - TH

2N - T

3M - F

3R - TH

4JZ - T

5S - F

4/5G - TH

6C/6G - T

7H - TH

8B - F

Band and Choir Schedule


Sectionals -

  • Clarinets/Saxophones - Tuesdays

  • Percussion - Wednesdays

  • Trumpets/Trombones - Thursdays

  • Flutes - Fridays

Full Band -

  • Thursdays after school @ 2:45-3:30


Rehearsal -

  • Tuesdays after school @ 2:45-3:30
Important Dates


Band Rental Night

  • Tuesday, September 24th, 6-7PM in the CCS Gym